Sunday, April 27, 2014

Cuddles and Massages

There is nothing more special than cuddling your newborn, six-month old or toddler. I say live it up before he is too busy to want it anymore!

As many of you know, physicians and hospitals are recommending immediate skin-to-skin contact for baby after birth, placing baby directly on mom as soon as he enters the world. This is an amazing experience, and has been proven to improve success with initial breastfeeding.

Evidence is also showing that this continued contact with mom (and dad!) can:
  • Prevent hypoglycemia and other newborn difficulties
  • Reduce pain
  • Stabilize premature babies
  • Set the stage for optimal brain development
Beyond these cuddles, there are massage techniques that can encourage muscle balance. In her book, “Baby Moves,” Marianne Hermsen-Van Wanrooy devotes an entire chapter to deep squeezes and joint compressions that can be done with a baby at any age.

For the squeezes on his legs and arms, use both hands and squeeze gently, making sure not to dig in with your fingertips. Do about five on each leg. Then move into joint compressions.

For the legs:
  1. Hold his thigh and push into his hip joint
  2. Hold above and below his knee and push into his knee joint
  3. Hold his leg and foot and push into his ankle joint 
The joint compressions for his arms will be into his shoulder, elbow and wrist.

There is no need to force this on your baby—only do it if he enjoys it. While you spend this time together, avoid other stimulations. Just talk or sing to him softly.

For more details and pictures regarding these techniques, purchase Hermsen-Van Wanrooy’s book. I, obviously, highly recommend it!

1 comment:

  1. I am no where near having a baby in my life, but I was intrigued to learn the great effects that massaging has on their muscles. That will be great knowledge for the future.
