Sunday, April 27, 2014

Cuddles and Massages

There is nothing more special than cuddling your newborn, six-month old or toddler. I say live it up before he is too busy to want it anymore!

As many of you know, physicians and hospitals are recommending immediate skin-to-skin contact for baby after birth, placing baby directly on mom as soon as he enters the world. This is an amazing experience, and has been proven to improve success with initial breastfeeding.

Evidence is also showing that this continued contact with mom (and dad!) can:
  • Prevent hypoglycemia and other newborn difficulties
  • Reduce pain
  • Stabilize premature babies
  • Set the stage for optimal brain development
Beyond these cuddles, there are massage techniques that can encourage muscle balance. In her book, “Baby Moves,” Marianne Hermsen-Van Wanrooy devotes an entire chapter to deep squeezes and joint compressions that can be done with a baby at any age.

For the squeezes on his legs and arms, use both hands and squeeze gently, making sure not to dig in with your fingertips. Do about five on each leg. Then move into joint compressions.

For the legs:
  1. Hold his thigh and push into his hip joint
  2. Hold above and below his knee and push into his knee joint
  3. Hold his leg and foot and push into his ankle joint 
The joint compressions for his arms will be into his shoulder, elbow and wrist.

There is no need to force this on your baby—only do it if he enjoys it. While you spend this time together, avoid other stimulations. Just talk or sing to him softly.

For more details and pictures regarding these techniques, purchase Hermsen-Van Wanrooy’s book. I, obviously, highly recommend it!

Saturday, April 26, 2014

The Low Down on Toys

With everything I’ve walked through these last few weeks (no pun intended), I think it’s time for a more, “news-you-can-use” post, and toys fit right into that. If you're looking to follow some of the suggestions I've laid out, there are toys you shouldn't buy for your baby and great options for things you should consider.

As you've gathered, the basic philosophy is: Don’t introduce something that your baby isn’t naturally developmentally ready for. 

“Bad” Toys 

  1. Pushers: I consider these anything with wheels that allow baby to place his or her weight on the toy and push forward. The issue with these toys is that if baby is not already able to walk by himself, he’s not learning the correct way to balance or carry his weight.

    Example of a "pusher" toy that should be avoided
    until baby can walk on his or her own.
    Marianne Hermsen-Van Wanrooy discusses muscle imbalances constantly, and this is a great example of something that could lead to that if used too frequently.

    Dr. Husband also says these cause baby's weight to be forward, which can overload his back, hurting his spine.
  2. Exercisers: I believe I’ve written about these before, but they have to be on this list. Basically, anything that is placing your baby in a standing position before he can stand on his own is a no-no.
    So fun and convenient, but not ideal for a
    baby who cannot walk on his own.

      “The baby hasn’t developed proper stability in order to support the spine in an upright position," Dr. Husband says. "The way we know that a baby can support the spine properly is when it can sit on its own. Before the baby actually can stand on their feet, these also stimulate the primitive supporting reflex—we want to inhibit primitive reflexes, not stimulate them.” 
“Good” Toys 
To me, there are two keys to what I consider “good” toys—sensory and simple. I try to avoid lights and sounds because for the most part these can be overstimulating, at least until the baby is older.

If you recall, for tiny infants Hermsen-Van Wanrooy at one point suggests something as simple as a sock because this is light weight, soften and (if clean) fine for the baby to chew on.

Remember, a new born or infant up to three months really doesn’t need much of anything. Your face and voice are plenty. Come at her from the sides vs. overhead. You also don’t really want them to grasp much, so don’t hand her toys to play with.

As she grows and is seeking out something to do, a great place to start is with things you already have around your house. I would create treasurer baskets every week or two filled with random knick knacks. Sensory bottles were also a hit with my son because he could shake them. He also loved baggies filled with aloe, stickers or glitter. I'd tape these to a window to reflect light. Just search any of these things on Pinterest for a host of ideas.

If you’re looking for actual products, one I loved was Sophie the Giraffe. She’s lightweight, BPA and phthalate-free and has lots of spots to chew on. We also liked the Baby Einstein book, “Water, Water Everywhere”—and I still read it to my son tonight!

Are there any suggestions you have? If so, leave them in the comments!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Infant Development: The Walker

So now things get really interesting. Your crawler and stander is about to be mobile on two feet!

Marianne Hermsen-Van Wanrooy makes an interesting point I don’t recall from when my son was learning to walk. On page 62 of her book, “Baby Moves,” she states:
“Initially, he may go up on his toes when standing. But be aware that this is another form of muscle imbalance that your baby will need to get under control. Do not encourage him in any way to start to walk, not even cruising along the furniture, as he will first need to sort out the balance between flexors and extensors and go down on flat feet.” 
She goes on to state that once baby is flat footed, allow him to cruise along furniture for as long as he would like as this is an important developmental stage. He’ll be able to walk independently in his own time, so there is no reason to force it.

Some of my son's early steps. So happy!
According to Dr. Husband’s Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization notes, the ideal motor development sequence is:

  1. Oblique sitting
  2. Regular sit
  3. Active sit
  4. Crawling
  5. Standing
  6. Active stance
  7. First steps

For me, watching for the active stance portion prior to the first step is something I'm going to try to remember for Baby Girl. It’s all so exciting for you, your partner and your baby that it’s difficult to not encourage those first tiny steps.

However, as much as I’ve said not to encourage, the DNS notes point out that the entire sequence listed above all depends on motivation. It’s the motivation of you, your voice, toys and objects that will inspire your baby to move through this sequence.

As a movement mommy, your role is to make sure those motivators are there but in the right space and at the right time, so they can inspire the correct movement for the stage your baby is at.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Honest Moment: 35 Weeks & Exhausted

Pardon the interruption, but I’m exhausted.

Though talking about babies is much more enjoyable to write, and probably for you to read, you’ll have to excuse me as I use this post to remind myself of my goal and…vent.

FACT: I’m 35 weeks and exhausted. I can tell Baby Girl is getting ready for her upcoming arrival as she burrows deeper, causing sharp pains to shoot through my pelvis, lower back and butt. It’s a welcome pain in the sense that she’s getting prepared—a wonderful sign that the end is near—but this combined with a very active two-year-old boy knocks me out.

And don’t even get me started on bending over! My son is already showing how much of a life saver he can be when he helps mommy pick things up off the floor.

So enough of the complaining. What am I going to do about this?

Step 1: Remember the goal! 
Re-read my post from March 3—“You Can Do It: “Term” Pregnancy.” That was my goal and remains my goal because it’s what is best for my Baby Girl. So during these final five to six weeks, it’s all about taking care of us.

Step 2: Keep moving!
I've found that the worst thing I can do it NOT be active. My body aches for a warm up and a good stretch.

I worked out a ton my first pregnancy, but due to my schedule (my son), I haven’t been able to maintain that level of exercise (30-minute stair stepper/walk plus 20-30 minutes weight training).

Instead, yoga has been a great tool for me this pregnancy since I spend most of my cardio energy chasing my son. Yoga gives me time to decompress, breath and stretch. It’s also a great strengthener. I also do about 15 minutes of weight training. This happens 3/4 times a week instead of 5/6 like it did during my first pregnancy.

And yes, I’m still doing my squats. After all of this, I want to be strong enough to push this girl out in less than two hours, which was what it took me last time.

Step 3: Rest!
Balance your activity with rest. Even though I’m in hard-core nesting mode, as of this week, I’m forcing myself to be in bed sleeping by 9pm—Dr. Husband is also “requiring” this.

I’m also taking as much time as I can on the weekend to nap or at least lay down. Even one 20-minute stint has shown to do wonders for me.

More Ideas
Here are some resources that I think have great advice as well.

  • Baby Center: adjust your schedule, stay hydrated, eat healthy, moderate exercise
  • What To Expect: ask for help, get more sleep, eat right, get a move on 

You can do it!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Infant Development: Crawling & Sitting

We’ve moved pretty quickly through some of the main stages of development from newborn to nine months, but now it’s time to slow things down a bit.

Remember, the key to your baby developing awesome movement patterns is to not skip stages. This isn’t to say that some babies won’t develop faster than others, because some will. They may move through the stages and be “ahead” while others may take a bit more time and be “behind.” It’s really all relative. The important point is that your baby is going through each stage, not the speed at which she does it.

In ideal development, baby crawls after being able to sit, which from my experience isn’t something people realize. In fact, according to Marianne Hermsen-Van Wanrooy, baby will learn to sit in several ways before or during learning to crawl (p. 64).

Once she can crawl, she will move into a high kneeling position in preparation to stand. It’s important to not have objects that are too high for her to grab and pull herself up with because this high pulling with her arms can put extra pressure on her back. Instead, have something like a low ottoman available. You can assist this development by placing a toy of some sort on the ottoman to motivate her. Also, avoid holding your baby’s hands to help pull her up. This also isn’t good for her back. (Source: Dr. Husband.)

Finally, I need to mention shoes. As cute as they are, it is best for baby to be bare foot as much as possible. If she needs shoes, the thinner the soles the better. Our son wore Robeez brand, which are basically leather socks.

As Dr. Husband said, “Dressing a baby in soft shoes is like putting hockey gloves on someone’s hands while he or she learns to type.” Meaning, your baby needs her feet to be able to feel and grip the ground. Shoes with thick, soft soles take away this ability.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Sitting: Infant Development 7 to 9 Months

Now we movement mommies are starting to get some movement babies! From seven to nine months, we’re looking for baby to naturally get into the seated position. I say "naturally" because we want him to do it by himself—we don’t want to put him there.

Pincer Grasp
One of the first signs that your baby is ready for siting can actually be detected from how he uses his fingers. Since he was born, baby has been slowly moving through positions of his hands, from thumb tucked into fist, thumb out of fist, open hand and now to pincer grasp. This ability to grasp objects motivates him through positions and into sitting. (Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization notes). 

The natural development of sitting stems from the side lying position where baby is supporting himself at the elbow and forearm. Around eight months, this side lying position develops into the oblique sitting position, during which baby is still supporting himself on his side, but now with an open arm. Finally, to get to the regular sit position, baby will develop the ability to push off from all fours or the oblique sit and onto his bum. (Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization presentation notes.)

Congratulations, you have a natural sitter!

Considering our society is inclined to make milestones a bit of a “competition,” I always felt the need to defend myself and my son when we were around others with babies the same age or even just in conversation. In the end, I just settled on saying, “Nope, he’s not sitting yet,” because that was the truth. I basically used this phrase for every milestone going forward. My son did things on his own terms—something that is a distinct part of his current personality…

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Just the Basics: Baby Gear 0 to 6 Months

Ah yes, the gear. Like many of you mommies out there, I for one can attest to the fact that the baby gear industry is booming. I’m constantly bombarded by toys and products that will make my life simpler and my baby’s life far more entertaining (or so they claim). Hopefully, some of my thoughts here will help you cut through the clutter and understand what your baby really needs—or at least what is best for his developing movement patterns.

As much as I want to say that all the cute and convenient creations out there are great for your developing infant, the fact of the matter is that many of them are not. In reality, many of the things we consider basics these days actually encourage the very muscle imbalances I’ve talked avoiding.

Really an infant zero to six months only needs a few, very simple, things:
  • Firm flat surface
  • Light weight “toys”
  • Encouraging voices
  • Happy faces 
This being said, following are some of the items you should look to avoid. Disclaimer: I know it’s impossible to avoid all of these 100 percent of the time! All I’m saying is to limit their use if possible. For our son, the less we used them the more content he was with the simple things above.
  • Swings and bouncy chairs. Many of these put your baby at an incline, which is not ideal. I’ve quoted Hermsen-Van Wanrooy on this before, but I’ll do it again—“A slightly tilted surface, like a bouncinette…changes the force or direction of gravity. This will inhibit the development of good muscle balance because he cannot learn to lift his legs up in this position” (p. 28).
  • Jumpers and exersaucers. I’ve repeatedly stated that we don’t want to encourage positions that are beyond baby’s developmental level—basically we don’t want to put him in any positions he can’t get to himself. Jumpers and exersaucers put baby in a standing position, which at six months he’s obviously not ready for. This can encourage muscle imbalances.
  • Front and back packs. Front packs “put a lot of pressure on his spine and the young developing discs between his vertebrae.” Back packs encourage sitting, which baby isn’t ready for until 10 months or so (p. 78). 
Here are some options Dr. Husband was OK enough with that we got them for our son (and will use for our daughter). Again—the more limited use the better.
  • Moby wrap. Unlike a front or back pack, when worn correctly, the Moby aligns baby’s spine and puts his hips in a normal, resting angle. Warning: My son loved being in the Moby SO much because it was the only time we let him “sit up.” This meant he would get mad until he got it; hence my suggestion to avoid these things unless necessary.
  • My Little Snugabunny. We have both the swing and the bouncy chair. We chose these because they were the flattest we could find. If you find something flatter and/or firmer, please post it in the comments! 
Grr—I was hoping I wouldn’t feel like such a downer when I got to the end of this post, but I do. It’s so fun to shop for new babies, especially if it’s your first, so I don’t want to burst any bubbles. I guess I just encourage you to be thoughtful about your purchases in hopes of creating ideal movement patterns for your little one. Happy shopping, mama!

Monday, April 7, 2014

The Adventure: Infant Development 4 to 6 Months

The other day a friend of mine mentioned how right when babies start to get into a routine and really interact…we have to go back to work! Ugh! The three month mark is tough in terms of that if you’re a working mom, but no matter what the fourth, fifth and sixth month are an exciting time for you and your baby. She really starts to experience the world instead of just observing it. For her that’s such an adventure, and for you it is quite entertaining!

In terms of lying on her back (supine), she will gradually lift her legs up. This is the most basic, foundational element of all movement. We’re hoping she doesn’t have a diastasis and that her spine is flat (so her head isn’t tilted back).

The cover of Marianne Hermsen-Van Wanrooy's book, "Baby Moves," provides
an excellent example of the supine position for babies four to six months in age.
She’ll learn to grasp objects at midline and then across her body. She will also start to grasp her feet—you know that cute position where they can start to stick their toes in their mouths. But this is more than cute, it’s also an indication that she can lift her pelvis off the surface and stabilize on the upper part of her back (Marianne Hermsen-Van Wanrooy, p. 35).

With motivation and this ability to stabilize, she will learn to roll to each side. As her mommy, you should make sure she is rolling to each side. Our son preferred rolling to the left, so we ended up blocking his left side with an ottoman and put more motivation on the right—toys and ourselves. Pretty soon he was able to go both directions just fine.

Eventually, this rolling to each side will become a complete roll over, with baby supporting herself on her elbow. As a mommy, you should...write this date down in her baby book!

Thanks to all of her hard work (and yours), she is also mastering tummy time. She is able to see the world from a new perspective, which really provides motivation for additional movements. She will begin to use one of her hands to grasp for toys, so she’ll learn to support her weight on one elbow. 

During these months, we’re also looking for her to rotate her head, eyes and tongue without her body as this indicates that there has been integration of locomotion function. By the fifth month we’re looking for baby to support herself on the proximal parts of her palms and her thighs. (Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization, seminar notes.)

Do’s and Don’ts
  • Do offer your baby small, light objects that she can easy lift and that are safe for her to put in her mouth (because everything will be going in her mouth!). Hermsen-Van Wanrooy suggests simple things like a sock (p. 37).
  • Do off the objects to one hand at a time (p. 37).
  • Do place toys on the floor to the side of your baby (p. 37).
  • Don’t use toys that hang above her as these can cause muscle imbalance (p. 37).
  • Don’t sit or stand your baby up (p. 48). I know it’s tempting, but she isn’t quite ready for that yet. We’re getting closer though!